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Image by Kayla Farmer

Register for Archetypal Alchemy Training and become a Certified Practitioner

Archetypal Alchemy Certification Training - Next cohort starts March 2025

Are You Ready to Awaken Inward Revolutions?

“Archetypes are the living system of reactions and aptitudes that determine the individual’s life in invisible ways.” Carl Jung 



 Hello friend, 


Not everything is as it seems…..


How you perceive yourself, your life challenges and those of your client’s are not what you might automatically believe to be true! Despite what you’ve been taught and how you’ve been trained, there are multiple layers and unspoken meanings to what others take at face value, including health and illness. The archetypal lens through which you view the world influences your behaviour, your emotions, and provides you with meaning. 


I’m Claire and I’ve spent all of my working life, 30 years, supporting people on their health journey. I came to see that the current medical paradigm isn’t serving people in the ways that I know are possible, and I know that you see this too. 


I discovered how choices and actions drive your co-creative journey of life, manifesting as illness, symptoms and cycles that keep you stuck. And importantly, I learned how working with archetypes offers solutions to these life challenges, resulting in HUGE transformations.


I have brought together ALL the important, impactful and life changing learnings I have discovered to create this 12 month certification – so that you don’t have to spend the next 3 decades doing the same! Although, honing your skills and traversing your inner world is a continual dance, that you’ll return to time and again, in this program I provide you with a map to make the process easier.


Are you ready to learn new skills that REALLY make you STAND out from the crowd?!


In Archetypal Alchemy Certification you’ll:


      Learn how to read archetypes and see how these relate directly to health and life challenges, cutting straight to the core of your client’s issues. And you’ll know exactly how to help them make the changes that pack a punch and pivot them to the place they want to be – free from frustration, pain and overwhelm!


     Experience the big life changes that occur out of the self-enquiry that comes from the learning, resulting in deep personal shifts, freeing you from repetitive cycles and unhelpful behaviours that keep you stuck.



     Become an expert at uncovering the unseen and understanding the symbolism that exists all around you – enabling you to navigate different perspectives that lead to increased compassion, empathy and acceptance, both of yourself and others.


  Learn to manage your energy in ways that mean you feel less drained and more energized, inspired and motivated to help your clients and have more freedom and time to kick back, relax and spend with those you love, doing what you love. 


      Learn and develop new and exciting skills that combine science with spirituality. You’ll feel confident about how to bring this into your existing work, or develop a new offering, because this approach is highly adaptable and applicable to every business that focuses on serving others. You’ll have a bigger impact in less time, doing what you love, serving your people from a heart - centred place.


       Come to see how there are no negative or bad parts of the psyche. I’ll guide you through how beliefs and values form and how these shape behaviour. You’ll develop a deep, compassionate, enquiry and understanding of yourself, freeing you from years of guilt and shame. Better still you’ll help others do the same!


Warning: You won’t be the same person at the end of the program that you are now! You’ll stand in your power with confidence and laser sharp intuitive skills, free from the dogma that’s kept you trapped and small for far too long!



Next steps……
















I have crated a small intimate group of like-minded souls, where you connect, build friendships and allow yourself to be authentically you. And I will be there, every step of the way, guiding, supporting and cheering you on, for a whole 12 months!


I will share everything I have learned about metaphysics, transpersonal psychology, archetypes, health and holding space in a safe, non-traumatising way, that really allows you to get to the core of your client’s issues in just one session!


What are you waiting for??



My desire is for you to bring more flow and ease into your work, to feel less overwhelmed, to step fully into your authentic self without apology, to have more time to do the things you love, more energy and more fun! In this 12 month program you’ll learn how to support your clients on a soul level, guiding them to reconnect to the wisdom of their bodies and heal.



Come and join us, because you know deep down that to support your clients in a more meaningful way you need to understand their patterns of behaviour better.


*Content includes : The psychology of behaviour, behavioural change, archetypes, intuition, metaphysics, anatomy, physiology and archetypal pathology, ethics, tools and techniques to facilitate change, somatic coaching, business basics and more! 


** Optional Add on:  energetic archetype reading


Upon successful completion you can register with one of the approved bodies and gain insurance as a Certified Archetypal Alchemy Practitioner and with the IACTM as an Accredited Coach. Download the course program HERE

Catherine's Course Experience

Catherine's Course Experience

Play Video
Bean's Feedback

Bean's Feedback

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Choose from one off payments or plans (over 12, 18 or 24 months).​​​​ Following your application I will contact you to discuss which option suits you best.


Certification Investment:  £4500 (Pay in full)*


Full access to the 5 core Archetypal Alchemy modules, plus bonus module  (including the recordings)

Access to the face book group community

Course books 

2  X 1:1 coaching sessions with Claire

Free access to the introductory course - What Your Body Wants You to Know (a pre-requisite)


*excludes : Optional Add on - Energetic archetype reading (module​ £500). 


Kate's Experience & How it's Impacted Her

Kate's Experience & How it's Impacted Her

Play Video

If you would like to chat to me in person about the course, please book an obligation free call here :


  1. I’m not a practitioner can I still do the course?​

      Yes! This 12 month program provides you with the training to become a certified practitioner and gain insurance to practice anywhere in the world.  You don’t need any qualifications or training to register and complete the course.



  2.  How much extra-curricular study is required?

       Non! Everything you need to learn is provided in the course materials. You are welcome to do more if you wish, but extra reading and learning isn’t necessary.


  3. How much time is required to complete the course?

      On average you will need 2 hours per week to listen to and watch the course material. The course was designed to fit around you! Whether you work full time, have a family or other commitments – the content and delivery can be self paced to suit your needs.


  4. Do I have to attend the live classes?

      No. All the classes are recorded and can be watched at your own convenience. The only obligation to attend is 10 of the live practice classes – the dates and times of these are agreed once the course begins, so that they can be arranged to suit the range of time zones, working hours and commitments of all participants. If you are worried about this please speak to me.


  5. What if I fall behind?

      Technically you can’t fall behind because the course allows you to go at your own pace. You can even split the training over 2 years should you feel that life gets in the way! (And sometimes it does!).


  6. I’m worried about the spiritual aspect, how will I incorporate this into my existing work?

       Have no fears! I teach you how to work with archetypes energetically for those clients who love energy work, as well as in a way that doesn’t even mention energy or metaphysics. Everyone gets to use what I teach.


  7. I want to do the course for self-growth – is that ok?

       Absolutely – the course is within the course. As you learn you’ll find yourself undergoing realisations about yourself, making  powerful pivots in your own life and relationships and adopting new perceptions and ways of being.




If your question has not been answered, please just drop me a line and I'll be happy to chat!

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